Taros Campaign Prep – Scratch Built Tank


Preparations for the upcoming campaign are well underway, with terrain generation ticking along nicely, specifically tailored to the missions in the book (mostly mining and industrial looking stuff – more in a future update).  As previously mentioned though, my Astra Militarum Imperial Guard forces will need some significant reinforcements in the Tank department to be able to play the majority of these missions – after all, Taros was known for its brutal tank battles in the desert wastes.  However, I really don’t want to spend any money at all if possible, so i have decided to give cardboard tanks a go!

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Upcoming Campaign

Beyond the mammoth To Do List and the usual aims for the gaming year ahead (play more 8th, go to more tournaments than if did last year, sell some stuff, buy no more plastic crack, etc, etc) one of my chief aims for this year has been to start a new narrative campaign.

Narrative campaigns are the single best way to have fun in my book. Tourneys are great, as are club leagues and pick up games with mates, but the ones you always remember are the story driven campaigns that meant something more than a bit of tactical nuance and lucky dice on the day.

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Hemera’s End – A 40K Campaign League


Sometime last year, I raised the idea of setting up a regular ‘league’ at my FLGS here in Hong Kong.  There are many regular gamers here, representing the whole spectrum of power levels from the WAACineers to the Fluff Bunnies, and everywhere in between.  To my surprise, there was no interest in a plain old league. Absolutely none.  The main reason for this was that leagues were a bit boring.  What people really wanted was a ‘Campaign League’ – something with a bit of narrative that they could sink their teeth into.

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