So long, and thanks for all the memes

XmasSo first off, Merry Christmas one and all! Here’s hoping Santa has left your threadbare stockings full to bursting with hobby related goodies!

As you may have noticed, I have suddenly gone AWOL from the blog, as well as facebook and pretty much every other hobby related social media that I use. I don’t really want to go into it here, but needless to say this is down to a pretty major crisis in my personal life which has led me to take stock of what I do with my time and re-evaluate my priorities.

Unfortunately, in the face of what is going on in ‘real life’, the blog (and indeed the entire hobby at large) has been found wanting, and so I will be taking an extended leave of absence while I try to deal with the real life issues. When comparing losing the hobby to what I could be losing in my life, there is no real comparison, and so it is the hobby that must go.

Or rather, for now at least. I hope to be back in the future, but near or far I do not know – we shall have to wait and see. So lay off the Sherry and have a proper drink, and if the mince pies don’t get you over the festive season we will, God willing, see each other again the other side!

5 thoughts on “So long, and thanks for all the memes

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