eBay Rescue Part 6: Repairs, repairs, repairs…



The best bargains to be found on eBay are often in a sorry state of repair.  From second edition marines covered in 6 layers of gloss acrylic paint, to crisis suits with arms / legs / heads / feet snapped off, thee items are generally consigned to the bottom of someone’s bitz box or painting drawer, until the time comes to abandon all hope of ever recovering the model and sticking it on eBay, to let someone else experience the horror have a go.

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eBay Rescue Part 5: A builders work is never done…



As I have said before, sometimes very little work is involved in turning around a miniature for a profit on eBay.  The most simple case is when a bad photo or misplaced posting in the wrong section means no one else is interested or indeed understands what is on offer.  Sometimes though, a little more work is required and the model itself might need a good clean and a new photo.  There is a also, it would seem, a demand for miniatures to be assembled in a decent manner – especially those with a bad reputation for being ‘difficult’ to construct.

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Half Year Results 2018


Last year I decided to liquidate quite a large portion of my collection that I either never used or had just hoarded as part of my eBay 99p deal addiction.  Even though this was very much intended as a way of curbing the growth of my miniature mountain, I said at the time that any funds generated would be ploughed back into the hobby itself, with a concentration on quality rather than piles of cheap knackered old tat quantity.

I was never going to go cold turkey on purchasing hobby stuff, mainly because that would be impossible given the great stuff coming out of GW / FFG / Warlord games this year (and oh, what a year it has been!).  However, the clear intention was to try and make my hobby pay for itself – at the very least – and maybe generate a bit of profit to put aside for a new GW boxed set rainy day.  Well, the half year results are in, so lets take a look how we’ve done.

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